要安装加载项,你需要新版 Microsoft Edge。下载新版 Microsoft Edge✕报告Video Speed Controller 加载项的滥用行为 如果你认为此加载项违反了 Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 选择滥用类别 * 威胁、网络欺凌、骚扰 骚扰是旨在打扰或扰乱一个人或一群人的任何行为。威胁包括任何自杀、暴力或伤害他人的威胁。
speed with 1% accuracy - Keyboard shortcuts - Flexible settings How to use: - Start video playback - Find the puzzle button in the browser toolbar - Pin (make always visible) the "Video speed pro" icon - Click the icon and adjust the video speed 视频速度专家可以调整任何网络视频的播放...
现在,他打开Edge浏览器。 ①“管理扩展/开发人员模式”,找到Super Speed Video Controller的ID。这个ID,其实对应着扩展文件的安装目录名字。 ②打开everythings文件搜索工具,搜索iplmmmmbamkaonmhjjoaomjbigkjgglf这个目录名称,发现它在 C:\Users\{用户名}\AppData\Local\ Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\ Extensions...
Video Speed Controller for Chrome & Edge In order to install Video Playback Controller on Google Chrome, first of all, navigate tothis link. After that hit on theAdd Extensionbutton. This will download a very small extension file to Chrome. And now Chrome will prompt you to install this ex...
研修视频加速看方法首先下载浏览器Microsoft Edge,然后打开浏览器,在右上角有个像拼图小图标(扩展),找不到点击傍边的3个小黑点,然后下拉,找到扩展,点击进入,然后,管理扩展-获取Microsoft edge扩展-搜索global speed 视频速度控制,点击获取,就会在右上角出现一个小图标,老师们就可以根据自己的节奏,调整观看速度了。赶...
七个不好用你打我的Edge神级插件 Microsoft Edge(简称ME浏览器)是由微软开发的基于 Chromium 开源项目及其他 开源软件的网页浏览器,采用与chrome、火狐相同的Chromium内核,支持windows、macOS、iOS、Android多端同步,以及浏览记录、收藏夹、密码的同步。虽然现在市场谷歌仍是有着不容置疑的地位,但这款微软官方自带的...
You can change a clip’s speed to fit a duration using the Rate Stretch tool in Premiere Pro. Select the Rate Stretch tool and drag either edge of a clip in a Timeline panel. Rate Stretch Tool Use Time RemappingYou can vary the speed of the video portion of a clip. Use Time ...
You can change a clip’s speed to fit a duration using the Rate Stretch tool in Premiere Pro. Select the Rate Stretch tool and drag either edge of a clip in a Timeline panel. Rate Stretch Tool Use Time RemappingYou can vary the speed of the video portion of a clip. Use Time ...
Take control of your videos with our speed changer. Speed up or slow down a video to enhance your storytelling and captivate your audience.
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