of the query response time because of the cached data to speed up (internal tests show that reaction [...] javakaiyuan.com 利用JCACHE,多数查询的反应时间会 因为 有缓存的数据而 加快( 内部 测试表明反应时间大约快15倍)。 javakaiyuan.com Malaysia was encouraged by Viet Nam’s commitment ...
movement; (b) speed of both functions increases up to early adulthood and then decreases; (c) peak speed is maintained longer by males in movement and longer by females in reaction; and (d) in the majority of groups studied, no relationship exists between speed of reaction and speed of ...
One of possible ways to speed-up the prosaccadic latency examination is applying the target walk paradigm. The authors describe the physiological phenomena involved in carrying such paradigms, which may affect latency time and which should be balanced in this kind of task. Thirteen subjects were ex...
speed up的意思、解释 speed up 基本解释 (使)加速; 开快车; 加紧; 增速 speed up 相关例句 ph. 1. 1. They have speeded up production. 他们加快了生产速度。 speed up 网络解释 1. 加速:但它也提供了多种 CPU 执行模式,像是加快速度的 Turbo 加速模式,或是延长使用时间的省电模式等,大家可以依照自己...
In the other directions, the line of strong diffusion influences the spreading up to a critical angle, from which one recovers the classical spreading velocity. When the diffusion is the fractional Laplacian, the spreading on the line is exponential in time, and propagation in the plane is ...
The car picked up speed as it rolled down the hill.往山下开时,车加起速来。The last meeting lasted all morning. This time could we speed it up a little?上次的会开了一早上。这次能快点嘛?sped介绍 释义 v.加速;快速移动;使兴旺发达 例句 I got into the car and home we sped.我上了车...
Approach:Spotthejumpearly,controlspeedthreebumpsearly,thelasttwomogulsbeforethe airarekeyforsettingupbalance. 接近:提前定位起跳点,提前三个包控制速度,跳起前的最后两个包是设定平衡的关键。 www.freeskizone.net 4. GlideFactor'scoursesarefilledwithchallengingobstaclesthattestyourabilitiesincontrol,speedandreacti...
This paper is devoted to some nonlinear propagation phenomena in periodic and more general domains, for reaction-diusion equations with Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov (KPP) type nonlinearities. The case of periodic domains with periodic underlying excitable media is a follow-up of the article (7)....
Define up to speed. up to speed synonyms, up to speed pronunciation, up to speed translation, English dictionary definition of up to speed. n. 1. Physics The rate or a measure of the rate of motion, especially: a. Distance traveled divided by the time of
According to the proposed LUT-based voting platform, we next present a novel computational scheme to significantly speed up the computation of some existing randomized algorithms for detecting lines, circles, and ellipses. Moreover, the detailed time complexity analyses are provided for the three ...