♦由此前往:Speed Typing Online線上英打速度測驗 線上英打速度測驗工具 介紹/教學 進入Speed Typing Online網站,只要輸入第一個英文字母就會自動開始計時。 預設為一分鐘的測驗時間,可到下方的工具面板調整30秒、1分鐘、10分鐘、20分鐘;預設為隨機產生文章,若想要針對某篇文章特別訓練的話,也可手動設定。 時間結束...
You can download a certificate showing your test results... Name and surname: Share it on Twitter or Whastsapp: "I have done the typing speed test at goodtyping.com. Score: 484 KPM (97 WPM). I recommend it!" Twitter Tweet Whatsapp Facebook Pinterest GOODTYPING | F...
Test your typing speed and accuracy. The test results will appear when you are done. The timer for each test starts automatically when you begin typing. Test Your Typing Speed This typing test will measure your typing accuracy and speed on all the letter keys: ...
Free Online Typing Speed Test Skills: Typing Speed & Accuracy How fast can you type letters in this typing speed test? Typing Speed Test for Kids Speed | Accuracy | Keyboarding
Typing Test, Free Typing Test, Check Typing Speed in WPM and accuracy, Fastest 10 Finger Test, Govt Exam Typing Test Preparation, Typing Test Software for SSC, IFSC, RPSC, Cleark, DEO, CPCT
Free online typing test to see how fast you type! Easy and fun way to test and improve your typing speed with typing practics lessons.
WPM Typing Test improve your typing speed The fun and free online speed typing test, aka keyboarding test. Learn how to type faster by typing faster. Call it whatever you want a game, a data entry test, touch typing. Whatever you call it it's a way to practice your typing. No ...
Type a lot, type tests, and practice typing tests. Improve your words per minute typing results, and test your typing speed often. Our typing speed test will keep track of all typing tests that you’ve taken in the past so you will be able to see the improvements over time. You will...
Typing Test Online - Test your typing speed in minutes, Get details results in WPM, Word Per Minute Test, Typing Exam, Test My typing Speed
The simple typing test calculator below will calculate your speed (words per minute). Try it! It's fun, but if you're serious about improving your keyboarding skills, check out the typing software recommendations below. Plus I've added a few simple tips. Do you have a website? Spice ...