Quad extensions– what are they, and what can they do for you and your fitness goals? All this and more in our how-to guide about quad extensions!Read more
Hi there. My name is Fiona and I have started running on my treadmill. I have two small kids so I can't go out running on the road but happy enough with the treadmill. I really do want to shift a stone weight and I am running in order to do that along with healthy eating. My...
Average jogging pace? It’s as elusive as a unicorn on a treadmill. Charts plastered across the internet might tempt you with neat little boxes for “female, 30s,” but here’s the truth: those averages are about as valuable as a one-size-fits-all running shoe. ...
Many runners aspire to move faster. This article discusses ways to increase your speed, including track workouts and strength training.
Choose a hill on a road or trail with a gradual incline (not so steep that you have to walk or clamber up). Run hard up for 400 meters or 1 minute then recover on the down. Repeat this 8 times for a great cardio, strength and speed workout. This works on your treadmill, too. ...
The 2450 is the NordicTrack treadmill for anyone who wants to run fast. It can reach 14.0 mph, whereas the industry standard is 12 mph. For reference, 12 mph is a 5-minute mile, and 14 mph is a 4:17 mile.Running SurfaceThe running deck cushions every step and leaves plenty of room...
When challenged to walk on a treadmill, the fiddler crabs showed no signs of achieving a steady state V̇O2 during the 20-min trial (Full and Herreid, 1984). Additionally, V̇O2 continued to rise for some minutes after exercise before beginning to fall. In contrast, the kinetics of ...
Learning your lactate threshold and the speed at which you reach it can not only help you train smarter, but also enhance your performance.
They provide a challenging yet low-impact alternative to traditional flat-surface sprinting, making them suitable for individuals of varying fitness levels. To do them, you will need a steep hill of about a third of a mile, and if it’s a treadmill, set it at 3.5 to 4.5 incline. ...
I have a treadmill where the motor-speed controller is going bad. I was wondering what people think i should look at first. The symptoms are as...