The meaning of SPEEDRUNNING is timed playing of a video game in which the aim is to complete a game or portion of a game as quickly as possible. How to use speedrunning in a sentence.
For other uses of "Speed Force", see Speed Force (disambiguation). "The Speed Force is eternity itself, an endless void of time and energy." —Jay Garrick[src] The Speed Force, also known as HyperHaven,[2] is an extra-dimensional source of dark matter en
ArmourDrive- fromGreenliant Systemsis the name of an mSATA SSD - in the JEDEC MO-300 form factor.Tara Yingstat Greenliant told me "the name highlights the SSDs added features - power interrupt data protection, user-configurable security zones, erase/purge commands - as well as the ability t...
In synoptic meteorology, simultaneous observations for a specific time are plotted on a map for a broad area whereby a general view of the weather in that region is gained. (The term synoptic is derived from the Greek word meaning “general or comprehensive view.”) The so-called synoptic ...
Even those crude antibody preparations at the bottom of the table were still capable of binding sufficient hazelnut, meaning that even the less optimal mAbs could be applied as capture ligands in a direct SPR assay. 3.1.1. Cross Reactivity The cross reactivity study was carried out with the ...