The brachistochrone for a steerable particle moving on a 2D curved surface in a gravity field is solved using an optimal control formulation with state fee... MP Hennessey,C Shakiban - International Association of Science & Technology for Development International Conference on Intelligent Systems & ...
execution speed - (computer science) the speed with which a computational device can execute instructions; measured in MIPS graduality, gradualness - the quality of being gradual or of coming about by gradual stages3.speed - changing location rapidly ...
In the ocean, while depth gradients in temperature allow some species to escape climate change, non-thermal constraints prevent many from shifting vertically15,34,42. Climate speeds are large in the Arctic, where the warming rate is high due to Arctic amplification43. Transport barriers imposed by...
in the special events and sexual distinction.But jumping elites have long Achilles tendon and slender anklebone;however,throwing elites have short Achilles tendon and thick anklebone.Though the percentage of physical fat and degreasing weight of throwing elites are higher than that of jumping elites,...
In subject area: Engineering Transport productivity is defined as the product of the payload and the average operating speed from the origin to destination on a given route, and transport efficiency is defined as the ratio of the transport productivity to the corresponding power input. ...
However, when the components of a frequency band of the signal are discontinuous, or when there is intermittent noise interference, EMD may suffer from modal aliasing, which destroys the physical meaning implied by each IMF and reduces the decomposition accuracy30. In order to avoid the different...
In general, tropical cyclone (TC) rainfall accumulation usually decreases with faster TC translation speed but increases with heavier rain rate. However, how the TC rain rate changes with translation speed is unclear. Here we show that, in all TC basins,
SSS was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in Taiwan (101-2221-E-008-049-MY3). The authors are grateful to Prof. Alexander Konnov for providing raw data obtained from the rich hydrogen–air flame.References (72) F.N. Egolfopoulos et al. Prog. Energy Combust. ...
One of the main advantages of such methods is low computational work (resulting in ease of customization, low risk of error in the application, and low computational resource requirements) relative to physical models and machine learning-based methods. However, their accuracy not always is ...
Physical methods are effective and accurate for long-term forecasting, but they are computationally intensive and costly for short-term forecasting. Statistical models are simple in structure and fast in computation compared to physical models. There are widely used linear models such as the ...