President Barack Obama 奥巴马 and Donald Trump 唐纳德·特朗普 are provided by Shanghai Yuyi Translation Service, China.
President Barack Obama's speeches are p roving a best-seller in Japan -- as an ai d to l earning English.An English-language tertbook, " T he Speeches of Barack Obam a ," has sol d more than 400,000 copies in two months, a big hit in a country where f ew hit novels sell ...
President Barack Obama's speeches are proving a best-seller in Japan -- as an aid to learning English.An English-language textbook, " The Speeches of Barack Obama ," has sold more than 400,000 copiesin two months, a big hit in a country where few hit novels sell more than a million...
CPresident Barack Obama's speeches are proving a best-seller in Japan -- as an aid to learning English. An English-language textbook, The Speeches of Barack Obama, has sold more than 400,000 copies in two months, a big hit in a country where few hit nove
President Barack Obama's speeches are proving a best-seller in Japan -- as an aid to learning English. An English-language textbook, "The Speeches of Barack Obama," has sold more than 400,000 copies in two months, a big hit in a country where few hit novels sell more than a million...
President Barack Obama's speeches are proving a best-seller in Japan -- as an aid to learning English. An English-language textbook, "The Speeches of Barack Obama," has sold more than 400,000 copies in two months, a big hit in a country where few hit novels sell more than a million...
Barack Obama's Speeches 奥巴马演讲集 2010-02-06 Weekly Address - President Obama Calls for New Steps to Support America's Small Businesses 2010-01-30 Weekly Address - President Obama Pledges to Rein in Budget Deficits 2010-01-23 Weekly Address - President Obama Vows to Continue Standing Up to...
an iPython notebook using natural language toolkit to analyse President Obama's speeches natural-language-processingnatural-languagenltksentimental-analysisspeechesnltk-datanltk-pythonobamas-speeches UpdatedJun 28, 2018 Jupyter Notebook A simple python web-server to remotely control a LaTeX presentation from...
There are many video's that show presidential speeches, but this documentary conveys a much different approach, it is more intimate, as not only giving you the message that President Barack Obama is delivering, but also giving you a sense of the audience perspective and how they are receiving...
PRESIDENT OBAMA has probably studied the first President Bush's standoff with Israel. Then as...By McConnellScott