Mennen, I., Stansfield, J. (2006). Speech and language therapy services to multilingual children in Scotland and England: a comparison of three cities. Journal of multi-lingual and multi-cultural language disorders, 4 (1), 23-44.Mennen, I., & Stansfield, J. (2006). Speech and language...
Background: Clinical services in the UK are increasingly delivering 'consultative' methods of intervention rather than 'direct' intensive input for children with receptive and expressive language difficulties, yet there has been little systematic evaluation of these different intervention ...
Methods: Two reviewers independently extracted the data from randomized controlled trials included in the 2016 Cochrane systematic review of speech and language therapy for aphasia after stroke (Brady, Kelly, Godwin, Enderby, & Campbell, 2016). We extracted details of the intervention using the ...
All of the following topics cover the current environmental problems. Furthermore, the response you may get from the audience can help you improve your solution to the stated issues. Plastic vs. paper bags comparison. Humans may not be a deciding factor in global warming. Recycling should be p...
Her speech improved significantly after attending therapy sessions. 1 Speech is human vocal communication using language. Each language uses phonetic combinations of vowel and consonant sounds that form the sound of its words (that is, all English words sound different from all French words, even if...
Their credo does not say it, but drugs are a part of the therapy. My therapy is “Yes Therapy,” where I say “yes” to everything a Rising Purpose confederate says. I am rewarded with a candy kiss for “suspending” what they call my “Nasty No-No.” I take three pills a day ...
taking specific learners requirements in relation to their therapeutic needs. The chapter concludes by demonstrating the positivity of bringing society into academia with coursework based on real users with the focus on therapy and resulting in being beneficial to all the participants (students, ...
Deficits in social communication and language are a primary component of ASD, with the majority of individuals requiring treatment in these areas. Communication delays are often the first concern parents notice in their children who are later diagnosed w
H. Deane, et al.: Comparison of speech and language therapy techniques for speech problems in Parkinson's disease, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2012, Issue 8. Art. No. CD002814.Herd CP, Tomlinson CL, Deane KH, Brady MC, Smith CH, Sackley CM, Clarke CE: Comparison of...
Comparison of the speech of ten chronic Broca's aphasics following intensive and non-intensive periods of therapy. Aphasiology 1989; 3: 695-707.Brindley P, Copeland M, Demain C, Maryn P. A comparison of the speech of ten chronic Broca'aphasic following intensive and non-intensive periods of...