Title: React: Interactive Speech and Language Therapy CD-ROM Publisher: Propeller Multimedia, Edinburgh, 1998The present study investigated the status of semantic information in aphasia by comparing the performances of aphasic and nonaphasic subjects on two tasks: an automatic semantic facilitation task...
For people who are unable to speak, text-to-speech systems offer the possibility of a vocal prosthesis. In 1982, a Nova TV program showed Dick Boydell, a man with cerebral palsy – unable to speak more than ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for 30 years – use a text-to-speech system to talk and...
Nonetheless, there are still challenges related to automatic speech recognition (ASR) that must be solved worldwide in order to extend these therapy applications, since they basically depend on adequate engines that should properly recognize aphasic speech. ASR systems are usually trained with the voi...
However, speech assessment is much more important with regard to the patient, because correct assessment allows the therapist to perform speech-language therapy on the patient within a short amount of time [76]. With the correct set of audio features, the prospect of using machine learning to ...