Specializing in high-quality speech and occupational therapy services, Simple Speech Therapy serves children in the Davenport and Orlando areas, helping them on their speech and occupational therapy journeys. Also at this address 1 1
using it to map to a clean estimated feature vector was not highly accurate. This technique is described in greater detail in Frankco et al.,COMBINING HETEROGENEOUS SENSORS WITH STANDARD MICROPHONES FOR NOISY ROBUST RECOGNITION, Presentation at the DARPA ROAR Workshop, Orlando, Fl. (2001). In ...
The results have important consequences for the practice of speech therapy. KEYWORDS: two- and three-year-olds; “top-down” operations; comprehension-driven perception; individual differences. 1. Introduction With the advent of generative linguistics, a number of new theories have been proposed in ...
The visualization of the lips and tongue motion for speech therapy could be an interesting application of IR-UWB radar. The visualization of the lips' motion is possible using the features obtained by our algorithm, but tongue motion visualization requires further research efforts. 5. Conclusions ...