If most of your Internet use is Speech-Language Pathology / Speech and Language Therapy related, try this as your own start page. The links are reviewed regularly and have an overall connection rate of at least 93%. Articles, Freebies, Links, Word Lists, Worksheets Articles and Links of ...
Posted in Child language, Competence level, Education at home, ESL / EFL / EAL, Helping children understand, Helping language skills at home, Home schooling, Language Levels, Marion Blank, Promoting language development, Speech and Language Pathology, Speech and Language Therapy, Teaching | Tagged ...
Research into the benefits of VR for training, therapy, and business As the VR industry matures, more and more soft skills training will be performed in VR and it will soon become a staple of employee training. Companies that are early to adopt the technology will have a huge advantage over...
Two things that I did not expect but thought really enriched the learning experience for me is when some professors in the async lectures used videos from other sites to expose students to how speech/language/communication disorders sound/look like. Also, some professors used their own therapy vi...
You see, If the Jews won’t allow a homosexual to undergo “conversion therapy,” yet want anti-Semites to convert to loving Jews, then shouldn’t there be some kind of conversion therapy going on here? Sigmund Freud would love this one-and all the Jewish psychiatrists. So, Let’s now...
0.2 ASHA CEUs Incorporating the Social Model of Diversity in Our Therapy Frameworks with People Who Stutter #e312 Presenter: Ana Paula Mumy, SLPD, CCC-SLP Participants will differentiate between a medical model of treatment, one that focuses on fixing or curing the individual’s impairment to...
Your experience and the amount of years you have worked in this area. How involved you were with this topic – are you a key character? Your expertise should be verified, for example, you may be talking about different therapy treatments and your expertise is shown by you being a successful...
These SLP's have worked in private therapy, and hospital settings. Not sure if that matters. But has anyone heard anything similiar? Im scared I am freaking out and generally spending a extra year's tuition specifically for pre-req's, only to not even be able to find a stable job in ...
and point out their flaws, and stop them from wreaking havoc, and... I was burning out, and I didn't know it. I had to take about two years of counseling, therapy, learning to go to the gym — things I'd just never done — just to be able to get back to doing this work. ...