This project is focusing on speech recognition to determine emotions in call center environment. The objectives of this project are to identify the quick propagation neural network, determine the emotion through the recorded speech and develop the prototype system. This system w...
pythondeep-neural-networksdeep-learningkeraslstmdeeplearningcollege-projectemotion-recognitionemodbspeech-emotion-recognition UpdatedJun 26, 2024 Python A collection of datasets for the purpose of emotion recognition/detection in speech. audiospeechdatasetsemotionsemotions-recognitionspeech-emotion-recognitionaudio-...
In this study, we presented a confidence-based fusion method consisting of three multi-task learning-based sub-classifiers: DNN with utterance-level HSFs, CNN with multiple segment-level MS, and RNN with multiple frame-level LLDs, which was used for categorical recognition of discrete emotions (...
When a person expresses their emotions, everyone has a different energy, the pitch and tone variation of different elements are grouped together. Therefore Speech Emotion Recognition is the future goal of Computer Vision. The goal of our project is to develop a Conventional Neural Network based on...
Project Link: to top)About It is a system through which various audio speech files are classified into different emotions such as happy, sad, anger and neutral by computer. SER can be used in areas such as the medical field...
Nowadays, digital signal processing is an active area of research, and researchers have developed a variety of techniques for speech emotion recognition. The SER task is mainly divided into two sections, which include the selection of robust features and the emotions classification. The robust feature...
As a multi-ethnic country with a large population, China is endowed with diverse dialects, which brings considerable challenges to speech recognition work.
A speech recognition and speech synthesis glossary to help you get up to speed with some of the more common terms.
Speech-Emotion-Recognition-App A Speech emotion Recognition Application made in FLASK which detects emotion in audio input. Developped a speech emotion recognition platform to analyze the emotions of speakers. We analye vocal emotions, using mostly deep learning based approaches. We deployed a web app...
Supporting code for "Emotion Recognition in Speech using Cross-Modal Transfer in the Wild" - albanie/mcnCrossModalEmotions