Success 0 辨識會話或編譯成功。 TimeoutExceeded 7 由於擴充無聲或音訊不佳而導致辨識失敗而逾時。 Windows 8 應用程式和Windows Phone應用程式不支援。 TopicLanguageNotSupported 1 已針對不支援的語言設定主題條件約束。 Unknown 6 未知的問題導致辨識或編譯失敗。 UserCanceled 5 使用者已取消辨識會話。備註...
SpeechTimeout 6 NoMatch 7 No recognition result matched. RecognizerBusy 8 RecognitionService busy. InsufficientPermissions 9 TooManyRequests 10 ServerDisconnected 11 LanguageNotSupported 12 LanguageUnavailable 13 CannotCheckSupport 14 CannotListenToDownloadEvents 15 Remarks...
✅ System.Speech.Synthesis Error "Speech is not supported on this platform":Hello,I am trying to implement Text to Speech into my C# WPF Program using .net5.0When I search the internet I find something like this:using...
Success 0 The recognition session or compilation succeeded. TopicLanguageNotSupported 1 A topic constraint was set for an unsupported language. GrammarLanguageMismatch 2 The language of the speech recognizer does not match the language of a grammar. GrammarCompilationFailure 3 A grammar failed to compi...
.PutExtra(MLAsrConstants.Language, "en-US") // Set to return the recognition result along with the speech. If you ignore the setting, this mode is used by default. Options are as follows: // MLAsrConstants.FeatureWordflux: Recognizes and returns texts through OnRecognizingResults. // M...
Use speech recognition to provide input, specify an action or command, and accomplish tasks in your Universal Windows app. NoteVoice commands and speech recognition are not supported by Windows Store apps in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. Speech recognition is made up of a speech runtime, recognitio...
Another reason for your software not recognizing the speech to the microphone could be that you might have selected the wrong language for speech recognition. This can be checked and fixed as follows. Right-click on theStartbutton and selectSettingsfrom the menu. ...
Supported functions Speech recognitionSpeech synthesis ✔️✔️ Speaker identificationSpeaker diarizationSpeaker verification ✔️✔️✔️ Spoken Language identificationAudio taggingVoice activity detection ✔️✔️✔️ Keyword spottingAdd punctuation ...
dominated by recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and, more recently, transformers, wav2letter is designed entirely using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). This innovative approach spans both acoustic modeling and language modeling, making it a distinctive option in the field of speech recognition. ...
Language ID embedding Various language support Jp / En / Kr / Zh Tight integration with neural vocoders (the same as TTS)SSL: Self-supervised LearningSupport HuBERT Pre-training: Example recipe: egs2/LibriSpeech/ssl1 UASR: Unsupervised ASR (EURO: ESPnet Unsupervised Recognition - Open-source)...