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Becoming a speech pathologist takes years of training. There are multiple levels of education involved in learning the field of speech and language, followed by clinical training. The training to become a certified speech pathologist includes: Earn a bachelor's degree in a relevant field:Speech pa...
Workload drives the role the of the public school based speech and language pathologist (SLP). However, the long-standing assumption is that the demand for SLP personnel is driven by caseload. This study examined the issues impacting the workload of California (CA) school-based SLPs including ...
Education Masters of Science Degree May 2006 Western Illinois University Macomb, Illinois Concentration: Communication Sciences & Disorders Bachelor of Science Degree May 2002 Western Illinois University Macomb, Illinois Major: Psychology Minor: Communications Related Work Experience Speech-Language Pathologist, ...
Douglas, Natalie F.University of South Florida.Douglas, N.F. (2013) Supporting speech-language pathologist evidence-based practice use: a mixed methods study in skilled nursing facilities within the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services Framework. PhD, University of South ...
Survey of Speech-Language Pathologists in the California Public Schools 2010. Workload drives the role the of the public school based speech and language pathologist (SLP). However, the long-standing assumption is that the demand for... LE Mayne - The Claremont Graduate University. 被引量: 0...
CAMPBELL, LYNDA RUTH.Howard University.Campbell, L. (1986). A study of the comparability of master's level training and certification and needs of Speech-language pathologists. Doctoral dissertation, Howard University, Washington, DC, 1985. Dissertation Abstracts International, 46(10B) (University ...
The speech language pathologist (SLP) led the development of the Harrison Initiative for Language Learning (HILL).; Qualitative inquiry, using interviews and focus groups determined the contributions of the SLP. Perspectives were sought from the principal, teachers, and the SLP about the SLP's ...
This study investigated the effects of an explicit individualized phonemic awareness intervention administered by a speech-language pathologist to 4 prekindergarten children with phonological speech sound disorders. Research has demonstrated that children with moderate-severe expressive phonological disorders are ...
Admission to the specialized kindergartens is based on the assessments by a pediatrician and speech pathologist. These kindergartens were established as the majority of children with impaired language/speech skills experience a considerable negative effect on their later academic and psycho-social ...