Download weights from here and put them in a folder calledmodel_new. You will need to create it inside yourFastSpeech directory. 从此处下载权重并将其放在名为model_new的文件夹中。 您将需要在FastSpeech目录中创建它。 A quick tour around the project: 快速浏览该项目: — script you will...
MatchboxNet-3x2x64-v2-subset-task EncDecClassificationModel MatchboxNet model trained on Google Speech Commands dataset (v2, 10+2 classes) which obtains 98.4% accuracy on test set. MatchboxNet-VAD-3x2 EncDecClassificationModel Voice Activity Detection MatchboxNet model trained on google speech comma...
TaskDatasetModel TypeExample Punctuation RestorationIWLST2012_zhErnie Lineariwslt2012-punc0 Documents Normally,Speech SoTA,Audio SoTAandMusic SoTAgive you an overview of the hot academic topics in the related area. To focus on the tasks in PaddleSpeech, you will find the following guidelines are he...
This is a list of speech tasks and datasets, which can provide training data for Generative AI, AIGC, AI model training, intelligent speech tool development, and speech applications. - WangHelin1997/SpeechTasks
非常感谢745165806/PaddleSpeechTask贡献标点重建相关模型。 非常感谢kslz补充中文文档。 非常感谢awmmmm提供 fastspeech2 aishell3 conformer 预训练模型。 非常感谢phecda-xu/PaddleDubbing基于 PaddleSpeech 的 TTS 模型搭建带 GUI 操作界面的配音工具。 非常感谢jerryuhoo/VTuberTalk基于 PaddleSpeech 的 TTS GUI 界面和...
( wav_path=wav_path, source_lang=source_lang, target_lang=target_lang, old_str=old_str, new_str=new_str, duration_adjust=duration_adjust, fs=erniesat_config.fs, n_shift=erniesat_config.n_shift, task_name=task_name) sf.write( output_name, wav_dict['output'], samplerate=erniesat_...
(wav_path: str, source_lang: str='en', target_lang: str='en', old_str: str='', new_str: str='', duration_adjust: bool=True, fs: int=24000, n_shift: int=300, task_name: str='synthesize'): outs = get_mlm_output( wav_path=wav_path, old_str=old_str, new_str=new_str,...
paddlespeech vector --task spk --input zh.wav Python API 一键预测 >>>frompaddlespeech.cli.vectorimportVectorExecutor>>>vec = VectorExecutor()>>>result = vec(audio_file="zh.wav")>>>print(result)# 187维向量[-0.190833069.474295-14.122263-2.09165450.048487294.92958261.47800620.373384410.6958623.2697146...
DLI course:Deploying a Model for Inference at Production Scale GTC session:Speech AI Demystified GTC session:Navigating Challenges and Technical Debt in LLMs Deployment GTC session:From FP8 LLM Training to Inference: Language AI at Scale Webinar:Accelerate Your AI Development With NVIDIA NIM Microservi...
Then chose what type of model you would like to instantiate. See table below for the list of models that are available for each task. For example: # Download and load the pretrained tacotron2 model spec_generator = SpectrogramGenerator.from_pretrained("tts_en_tacotron2") # Download and load...