言语治疗师是一门治疗言语及沟通障碍的学科。将学习如何进行发音,语言发展,智力等评估测验,诊断各种语言障碍,如口吃,吞食障碍,兔唇,裂唇,自闭症,智障儿,中风或大脑病变的失语症等,如何判断病源,各种治疗手段与辅导技巧。 就业机会 政府或私人诊所,学校,诊疗所,福利社,智力障碍中心等担任语言治疗师或语言病理学家,或...
USYD语言病理学Speech Language Pathology专业简介 专业语音语言病理学硕士培养你作为一名语音病理学家的专业实践,发展评估和治疗所有年龄,背景和文化的人的技能,并通过使人们更容易沟通来改变生活。 · 我们能够辅导海外各大院校的各个热门冷门专业,不限本硕,如有任何课业问题,请“思”我 或者 点下方链接沟通详情。
必应词典为您提供speech-and-language-pathology的释义,网络释义: 语音和语言病理学;言语与语言病理学;演讲与语言病理学;
必应词典为您提供Speech-Language-Pathology-and-Audiology的释义,网络释义: 言语语言病历学及听力学;听力学与言语病理学;语言病理学和听力学;
美国语言病理学(Speech-Language Pathology)专业排名1 Vanderbilt University 2 Purdue University--West Lafayette 2 University of Wisconsin--Madison 4 Northwestern University 5 Boston University 5 University of Iowa 5 University of Pittsburgh 5 University of Washington 9 MGH Institute of Health ...
Speech-language therapy Definition Speech-language pathology refers to the clinical practice and the study of the science, development, and disorders of speech, language, communication, and swallowing. Areas of practice and study include anatomy, neuroanatomy, articulation, fluency, voice and resonance,...
The earlier in life that services and support can be provided to a child with speech, language and communication difficulties, the more likely it is that services will result in success. To accomplish this, it is also important to understand the relationship between language, communication and ...
语言病理学(Speech-Language Pathology)阅读 408 2018-04-25留学也是一种投资,你的留学预算充足吗,简单3步,轻松了解留学预算?费用计算 想去留学,不知道自己是否符合条件?马上测一测吧? 条件评估 上一篇:西班牙语(Spanish) 下一篇:戏剧艺术(Theater Arts) ...
Learn about speech-language pathology. Understand what a speech pathologist is, learn what a speech pathologist does, and see how speech therapy...
Related to speech-language pathology: speech therapistpathology [pah-thol´o-je] 1. the branch of medicine treating of the essential nature of disease, especially of the changes in body tissues and organs that cause or are caused by disease. 2. the structural and functional manifestations of...