对应的职业是252712 Speech Pathologist / Speech Language Therapist,在中长期职业清单上。可以申请189/190/491以及其他有职业要求的签证,截至发稿,各州担保情况为 职业评估无需工作经验,毕业后,填张申请表,即可通过职业评估。 完成SPA认证的课程后,可申请成为认证语言治疗师 Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (CPSP...
目前该协会基于能力的职业标准CBOS2001(Competency-Base Occupational Standards)详细列明了言语病理学家的执业最低要求,此标准也是澳大利亚言语病理学协会评估海外申请人资质的一项重要依据。 完成认证课程后,不需要工作经验和额外考语言,就可以做252712 Speech Pathologist / Speech Language Therapist 职业评估。该职业位于中...
Becoming a speech pathologist requires completing a master’s in speech-language pathology (SLP) program, passing examinations, applying for and acquiring licensure, and more. This resource can help guide you through the steps. While everyone’s path to becoming an SLP is different, there are som...
Speech-language pathologyMaster’s degreeGraduate workClinical practicumUnited StatesIn order to become credentialed as a speech-language pathologist in the United States, a masters’s degree is required. This degree integrates course work with clinical practica. Course work covers normal anatomy and ...
There are licensure requirements to become a Speech Language Pathologist, and it depends on what state you plan on practicing in. The below map was updated in 2024, and gives you an idea of the SLP licensure requirements for each state (fromASHA). ...
Explore blogs, apps, books, and other helpful tools for speech language pathologists with this SLP resource guide.
移民前景和职业优势 该课程毕业后对应的职业是252712 Speech Pathologist / Speech Language Therapist,在中长期职业清单上。可以申请189/190/491以及其他有职业要求的签证。毕业后的潜在工作单位除了医疗行业,也可以在学校或社区,比如学校,医院,康复中心,心理健康服务机构,社区卫生服务,老年护理服务,研究所等。作为...
The role of a speech pathologist is to diagnose, assess, and treat pathologies related to speech and language. To become a speech pathologist, one must first obtain a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution. An appropriate bachelor's degree usually would be in a field related to speec...
Is a graduate degree required to become a speech language pathologist? ASHA’s 2020 Standards and Implementation Procedures for the Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language PathologyExternal link:open_in_newindicate that you need at least a master’s degree in the field tobecome an SLP...
Are you preparing for a speech-language pathology job interview? Explore speech pathologist job interview tips and practice questions for SLPs.