Speech-Language Pathologists earned an average salary of $89,460 in 2022. Comparable jobs earned the following average salary in 2022: Occupational Therapists made $92,800, School Psychologists made $87,550, Interpreters and Translators made $61,730, and Child and Family Social Workers made $56...
A master’s in speech-language pathology can help you to build a successful career in the healthcare field. Jobs in this field are both rewarding and challenging and are expected togrow by 29%from 2020 to 2030. Salaries are good too; the annual median salary of speech pathologists is $80...
speech-language pathologistspeech and language therapistallied health professionalswellbeingjob satisfactionoccupational stressburnoutThe purpose of this review was to evaluate the factors that influence well-being, job satisfaction, stress, and burnout in speech-language pathologists (SLPs), and to identify...
Salary prospects for speech therapists depend on several factors, including the geographical area of their practice, the extent of their experience in the field and the particular work setting in which they are employed. Demand for Speech-Language Pathologists ...
Related to speech-language pathology: speech therapistpathology [pah-thol´o-je] 1. the branch of medicine treating of the essential nature of disease, especially of the changes in body tissues and organs that cause or are caused by disease. 2. the structural and functional manifestations of...
Apply for Licensure and Certification (if needed) All states require licensure to practice as a speech pathologist, but requirements for licensure varies from state to state.In many states, obtaining the ASHA CCC can fulfill many of the requirements for becoming a speech therapist. The same crit...
Among the Americans to use these concepts to account for speech, writing, or auditory impairments in children were Samuel Torrey Orton (1925), a psychiatrist working at the University of Iowa, and Mildred McGinnis (1929), a teacher/therapist working at Central Institute for the Deaf in St. ...