If there is one characteristic of speech that has plagued speech production theorists for years, it is variability. Acoustic correlates of a given phoneme and by inference vocal tract configurations exhibit variability arising from a number of sources. The present experiment was designed to examine th...
Support of an international language, Esperanto,followed the political expediencies dictated by Marxist-Leninistthought. In the early days of post-revolutionary Bolshevism, Esperantowas viewed as a toolenabling ready agitation and propaganda amongthe masses throughout the world. However, with the trend...
Whether Obama was ever actually in class at Columbia, or not, his entire agenda and strategy has always been built around “Cloward-Piven.” This plan was a detailed “how to” strategy to destroy America, and capitalism, and the great American middle class, by getting everyone on welfare,...
Not every speech act can be a lie. A good definition of lying should be able to draw the right distinctions between speech acts (like promises, assertions,
timbral analysis [10–12]. Moreover, some vocal pedagogists and music theorists who have rich listening and singing experience use vocal techniques to describe singing voice [13]. In particular, some vocal techniques are metaphors to help students better understand and develop a good voice [14]...
Accordingly, cortical tracking of IDS by delta-band neural signals may be key to language acquisition. Speech also contains acoustic information within its higher-frequency bands (beta, gamma). Adult EEG and MEG studies reveal an oscillatory hierarchy, whereby low-frequency (delta, theta) neural ...
which can be manipulated through a simpleformallanguage.Theformerhave no sharp borders, but appear as if painted on a page. The latter have ablack frame and a slight drop-shadow to suggest that they are floating overthe page and can still be moved. Panels that the playable figure has alrea...
Scholarly debates about hate speech and its harms have been heavily influenced by their disciplinary and political contexts. Building on Austin’s (1962) speech act framework, legal scholars and critical race and feminist theorists conceptualized HS as an act (Delgado, 1982;Matsuda, 1989;Calvert, ...