In WPS’ oral language tool kit, enhance speech and language assessments. Access comprehensive resources designed to support oral language development.
your child for the planned activities. Pictures, whether of the real activity or of a very similar activity (ex: a group of children eating to represent the class having a snack or lunch period) found on the internet, may be helpful to support your child’s attention and language ...
The Small Talk Parent Hub is an exclusive membership site where you get to hang out with real live speech and language therapists, along with other parents who are dealing with the same issues as you. You’ll get access to expertise, advice, tips and practical strategies, as well as gettin...
icommunicate provides speech-language therapy information and activities, services, and resources for a range of communication difficulties and disorders.
PenguinSmart provides parent-centered online home speech therapist services for kids and toddlers. The remote services in speech and language therapy support is designed to help families with kids and toddlers with speech and language delays to boost the
Agents of Speech provides free education to parents of speech-delayed children through our e-learning platform and coaching programs. AOS offers strategies to support speech and language development.
Parents see themselves as experts on their child and have varied ideas about the role of SLTs, which do not always accord with SLTs' views. The parents and SLTs differ in their views of the roles of imitation and play in intervention. Parents typically try strategies before seeing an SLT...
SmarTap can be used with typically developing children, children with speech and language delays, and children with autism who exhibit speech and language delays. It can help model, cue and prompt (effective and proven strategies used by speech-language pathologists for therapy) commonly used single...
When the students gave their speeches confidently and devotedly, we were not only amazed by their excellent English language, but also felt the enthusiasm of the students at SSBS. 左右滑动查看所有图片 Thank you to the teac...
Speech language resources for educators and information about language and literacy difficulties - created by a school based speech-language pathologist.