This work presents an online decision support system consisting of interactive modules used to perform advanced tasks for speech and language pathology assessment and differential diagnosis, which is also able to provide support for the rehabilitation of individuals. An example case is included....
Find out more about the average speech-language pathologist salary and learn where the best-paying metropolitan areas are for a speech-language pathologists across the country.
语言病理学(speech language pathology-SLP)在国内基本是医生级别的医护人员通过专业特训掌握病理后才可以上岗,在国内尚不普遍。但是SLP在美国或其他发达国家是康复医疗中的关键部门,很多儿童、成人、老年人通过接受言语治疗,重新恢复沟通、吞咽等基本需要。SLP可以算是语言学、医学的交叉学科,且就业率很高。 背景介绍:我...
Supporting SLPs for over 50 years! Earn ASHA CEUs with 200 online continuing education courses. Shop our speech & language therapy materials including Kaufman Apraxia, CVES, Literacy Speaks, R Made Simple and more.
Are you preparing for a speech-language pathology job interview? Explore speech pathologist job interview tips and practice questions for SLPs.
What do you learn from a speech pathology degree? Students of speech pathology can learn to utilize therapeutic tools in an effort to help clients improve their speech sounds, social communication, voice sounds and fluency, and general language. In some areas, speech pathologists can also assist ...
transportation,speech-language pathology,audiology, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, [...] 包括交通、語言治療、聽力護理、心理服務、 物理和聽能治療、康樂、社會工作服務、顧問、 輔導和行動、診斷和評估性之醫療服務等。
Supporting SLPs for over 50 years! Earn ASHA CEUs with 200 online continuing education courses. Shop our speech & language therapy materials including Kaufman Apraxia, CVES, Literacy Speaks, R Made Simple and more.
173 Louisiana State University and A&M College 173 Monmouth University 173 Nazareth College of Rochester 173 Pace University 173 Radford University 173 Samford University 173 St. Ambrose University 173 St. Xavier University 173 Tennessee State University 173 University of Central Missouri ...
Supporting SLPs for over 50 years! Earn ASHA CEUs with 200 online continuing education courses. Shop our speech & language therapy materials including Kaufman Apraxia, CVES, Literacy Speaks, R Made Simple and more.