比赛时间:2024年2月17日-2月19日 线上赛事:Middle School Congress,Beginner Public Forum,Open Public Forum Beginner Public Forum向第一年或第二年比赛的学生开放;它适用于初中和高中新手选手。 Beginner Public Forum and Open Public Forum:5 preliminary rounds, clear to Doubles. 线上赛事平台:zoom 线下赛事...
We offer top quality speech debate training to middle/high school students in-person & online. Participate in debate tournaments. Education planning, consulting, College applications.
Drama, Speech & Debate Research shows that speech, debate, and drama classes teach students to think and listen critically, collaborate, and communicate effectively. The activities and projects in our programs get students on their feet and enthusiastically involved in their learning as they develop ...
作为两个曾经分别夺得过不同哈佛赛事冠军的辩手,周子心和Joyce Xu都有丰富的国际赛事经验,这一次,她们组队参加Parliamentary Debate (Open),并凭借精湛的辩论技巧、敏锐的逻辑思维和过硬的应变能力再次击败众多强敌,相信她们以后必将继续创造更多的辉煌记录! 四强Semifinals Zixin ZhouNakornpayap International School Joyce ...
Speech & Debate Competitors Think. Speak. Persuade. Speaking boldly, communicating precisely, and persuading effectively. These are skills that every young person should cultivate. Homeschooled middle and high school students strengthen these skills through participation in Stoa USA and NCFCA. Monument ...
Train with Champion U.S. Speech & Debate Coaches to advance debate, public speaking, academic, and leadership skills for personal growth and competitive tournaments in speech drama & debate!
To many, the immediate consequence of this freedom may often appear to be only verbal tumult, discord, and even offensive utterance. These are, however, within established limits, in truth necessary side effects of the broader enduring values which the process of open debate permits us to achiev...
RankNameStateDebate ClubSpeech ClubPoints 1st Alison Earnest OK Logos OK Logos OK 146.051 2nd Selah Lee OK LAUNCH LAUNCH 100.6 3rd Hudson Kubiak OK Logos OK Logos OK 99.144 4th Micah Magness OK LAUNCH LAUNCH 72.459 5th Joshua Tham OK LAUNCH LAUNCH 71.303 6th Amity Grover OK LAUNCH LAUNCH ...
historically suffered from social marginalization and oppression. Hate speech therefore poses a challenge for modern liberal societies, which are committed to both freedom of expression and social equality. Thus, there is an ongoing debate in those societies over whether and how hate speech should be...
Join Debate! Click here to join! If you're smart, eloquent, informed, funny, an actor, or want to become any of those things, then speech and 1 2 3 Where you’ll find schedules, rosters, info about speech and debate, and how to join. Welcome to the Lake Oswego High School ...