Regulators fear that informal lending is fueling speculative investment in real estate and other sectors. And some believe that recent price rises partly reflect an increase in speculative trading in oil, as investors look for quick returns by buying and selling oil futures. ...
The Spanners Series. Now as Chief Communicator, Clara leads the way for interspecies communication on- and off-planet. Fighting these changes are thePsi-Defiers, led by one of the oldest friends of the Chief of thePsi-Warriors, its reluctant leader, Rabbi Moran Ackerman. Stories...
Instead, our urban reality exists between the two, in the realm of 'pertopia' or 'perturbanism', in a constant unstable and evolving realm of disruption and reconstitution, of optimism and potential. Contemporary images also seek to induce change through fear of the future. In Shi Pan, Ying...
Building on the research of Chen and Chen (2021), this study leveraged local natural disasters as instrumental variables for local speculative culture to address concerns about endogeneity. In particular, negative external events such as natural disasters have the potential to elicit fear, sadness, an...
And I’m just about to sit down to a revision session of the second book. Like this story, it’s about characters who come out of having a truly bad time, with all their dreams for the future and understanding of who they are shattered, and the lovely new things they build from the...
are also elements of meaning. When one is writing poetry, there is a temptation to go for sound rather than meaning, and some succumb. I fear that this has happened to Ando more than once. However, I have the same thoughts on reading Rhysling-winning poems sometimes. Your mileage may ...
but in that meeting the much diminished OGH had latched onto him and his fear of it gave it new strength. In effect, he became a sort of pseudo-worshipper for the OGH which followed him to Hofni and took on his appearance. It was a lot of fun having the OGH appear in the distance...
It might look counterintuitive that someone tasked with the psychological well-being of a space-faring crew would be so oppressed by doubts and, at some point, by the fear that she might not be in control of her actions, but in reality it does add a further layer to the claustrophobic ...
dark fantasy worlds populated by morally gray characters. Everything feels like they are in a state of flux, painting a picture of a society on the brink of transformation, being pulled in many different directions at once by love of tradition, hunger for power, and the fear of the unknown...
When Among Crowsis swift and striking, drawing from the deep well of Slavic folklore and asking if redemption and atonement can be found in embracing what we most fear. We bear the sword, and we bear the pain of the sword. On Kupala Night, Dymitr arrives in Chicago’s monstrous, magical...