, Paramount Network, PBS, PBS local channels, Pop, QVC, RSNs, SEC Network, Smithsonian Channel, Spectrum SportsNet, Start TV, SYFY, TBS, TCM, Telemundo, The Grio, TLC, TNT, Travel Channel, truTV, Turner Classic Movies, TVLand, Universal Kids, USA Network, VH1, Vice, Weather Channel...
Optical losses were lower than those reported in [4]—0.25 dB·cm−1 (632.8 nm, He-Ne laser), which were measured for a channel of 5 × 5 μm2 silk waveguides fabricated by printing silk using an FFiigguurree 88.. TThhee ooppttiiccaall lloosssseess ooff tthhee ssiillkk ddeep...
(1) (1) I3n.3.aImcopgacntiotfivPeUradio communication system, SUs must vacate channels when a PU uses the channel. This section discusses SUs that are insensitive to delay, which means that SUs choose to wait whencehnanconIneulna. TtcehoriigsnnsgeitcittvhieoenrPadUdisi'ocsucisnosetmesmrS...