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Angewandte Chemie International Edition in EnglishProf. Dr. U. HofmannDoz. Dr. E. FluckDipl.-Phys. P. Kuhn
Gosswein T, Kocot A, Emmert G, Kreuz W, Martinez-Saguer I, et al. Mutational spectrum of the C1INH (SERPING1) gene in patients with hereditary angioedema. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2008;121:181-188.Gosswein T, Kocot A, Emmert G, Kreuz W, Martinez-Saguer I, Aygoren-Pursun E, Rusicke...
F. ParakK. AchterholdC. KepplerU. v.Buuml rckA.Q.R. BaronProgress in Biophysics and Molecular BiologyF. Parak , K. Achterhold , C. Keppler , U. vonBurck , W. Potzel , P. SchindelMann , E. W. Knapp , B. Melchers , R. Ruffer , A. I. Chumakov , and A. Q. R. Baron...
The effect against DNA and RNA viruses is mediated by different sub-fractions within R. farinacea.”].Esimone CO, Grunwald T, Nworu CS, Kuate S, Proksch P, Uberla K. (2009). Broad spectrum antiviral fractions from the lichen Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach. Chemotherapy, 55, 119-126....
In this note we prove that toric K¨ahler metrics on complex projec- tive space which are also U (n)-invariant are determined by their equivariant spectrum i.e. the list of eigenvalues of the Laplacian together with weights of the torus representation on the eigenspaces....
4.6.2. Mass Spectrometry The molecular masses of the HPLC purified isoforms were determined by a 4800 MALDI-ToF/ToFTM analyzer (Applied Biosystems Inc., MDS SCIEX, CA, USA) equipped with a nitrogen UV laser (337 nm) operated at 10 Hz for the desorption and ionization of the molecules [...
• High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein was measured using an immunoturbidimetric method using Kamiya Reagents and analyzed on a Beckman Coulter AU680 Chemistry Analyzer (Brea, CA, USA) • Homocysteine was measured by LC/MS after reduction using dithiothreitol and derivatization. Vitamins and ...