Spectraplot - The Wavelength Search Engine
SpectraPlot的核心功能是提供高精度的气体吸收光谱数据。这些数据可以用于各种科学实验,特别是在光学和光谱分析领域。通过将实验测量结果与SpectraPlot提供的数据进行对比,研究人员能够快速验证实验的准确性,从而减少误差并提高实验的可重复性。 SpectraPlot在实验验证中的作用 在实验中,SpectraPlot常被用作参考标准。例如,在Mic...
SpectraPlot is a unique software tool due to it: (1) combining simulations of atomic and molecular spectra, (2) utilizing multiple databases, (3) employing an interactive web-based user interface, and (4) being open access. The primary goal of SpectraPlot is to provide scientists, engineers,...
SpectraPLOT is a user-friendly graphical interface for viewing a wide variety of results from SPECT3D simulations, and applying various instrumental effects to the simulated images and spectra. We will present SpectraPLOT's ability to display a variety of data, including spectra, images, light ...
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