In this paper, the principle of OCT is presented and the crucial parameters of the system are discussed in theory. With analysis of different methods and medical endoscopic system's feature, a design which combines the spectral domain OCT (SDOCT) technique and endoscopy is put forward. SDOCT ...
C.1—In adapting Swin-UNETR to the domain of automatic retinal OCT lesion segmentation, this work contributed to a recent research strand that focuses on the use of ViTs for the automated segmentation of retinal lesions in OCT images. In particular, in our study, we used a hybrid Transformer...
Spectral-domain optical coherence phase microscopy (SD-OCPM) represents a novel optical microscopy technique, capable of measuring optical path-length changes inside the specimens with nanometer-level sensitivity. In this chapter, we describe operating principle and implementation of SD-OCPM. Theoretical ...
At its core, OCT is a low-coherence interferometric technique. The earlier versions used time-domain interferometry. However, the technique really came into its own when Fourier-domain versions of OCT were introduced. In this implementation, interference of different wavelengths or colors illuminating ...
This work evaluates the performance of the Complex Master Slave (CMS) method, that processes the spectra at the interferometer output of a spectral domain interferometry device without involving Fourier transforms (FT) after data acquisition. Reliability
The length of the allowed convolution in the time domain (the impulse response of the effective digital filter) equals the number of extra zeros (plus one) in the zero padding. If is the number of samples in the main lobe when the zero-padding factor is 1 ( ), then a zero-padding ...
Reusability report: Annotating metabolite mass spectra with domain-inspired chemical formula transformers Article 27 September 2024 MS2Query: reliable and scalable MS2 mass spectra-based analogue search Article Open access 29 March 2023 BUDDY: molecular formula discovery via bottom-up MS/MS interroga...
Optical coherence tomography, spectral-domainOptical coherence tomography (OCT)nwas first reported in 1991 [1]. Since then,nimproved resolution and speed have enablednOCT to become widely used clinicallynin ophthalmology. The principle of OCT isnanalogous to that of ultrasonography,nusingnlight instead...
Although the temporal resolution achieved here was sufficient for character- izing the plasma filaments, which varied on a nanosecond timescale, optimization of the setup, by reducing the distance between the grating and lens L1, and by reducing the interaction volume should, in principle, improve ...
1. The methods and apparatuses exploit new concepts of signal redundancy in the spectral domain. 2. The methods and apparatuses are applicable on arbitrary signals. 3. Each harmonic set is individually created and controlled. 4. All replicated harmonics are generated in such a manner as to form...