Biomass size spectra proved to be useful descriptors of both: community structure and its functioning (Sprules and Barth2016, and references therein). In the Arctic, they have been used by Soltwedel et al. (2000) to reveal a relationship between mean biomass of deep-sea nematodes and concentr...
All steps were performed using the Z+F LaserControl® software (version 8.6) [36]. The georeferencing of the TLS scans was done indirectly, using four ground control points (GCPs) and a 'point block adjustment' method implemented in the above software. The GCPs were located outside the ...
As a consequence, the concentration profiles of the substrates glucose, ammonia, total phosphate and the expected metabolic by-product acetate can be unfolded from the spectral mixture matrix X with minor manual measurement effort. An overview of the entire process spectra is displayed in Figure 3....