Part of Speech (形) adjective Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense.May need to scroll content.) (形) As an adjective Based on pretense; deceptively pleasing. Chinese synonyms: 虚夸的, 虚伪不实的, 欺骗性, 虚夸, 虚伪不实, 徒有其表的, 不诚恳的, 不诚恳, 欺骗性的...
Part of Speech: AdjectiveMeaning: 1. At first glance plausible but actually wrong. 2. Misleadingly attractive, appearing genuine but not so. 3. Gaudy, showy, dazzling, ostentatious.Notes: Here is a word that should see an increase in its utility over the next four years. It has the ...
For my own part, I am way beyond that. By the way, I'm growing rather weary of the cheap comparisons of Obama with Neville Chamberlain. The British Prime Minister got the biggest issue of the day wrong. But no one ever doubted that he loved his country. That's why, after his evicti...