#创建busybox容器,以供测试 kubectl run busybox --image docker.io/library/busybox:1.28 --image-pull-policy=IfNotPresent --restart=Never --rm -it busybox -- sh #测试calico ping www.baidu.com #测试dns nslookup kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local k8s测试calico和coredns 此时集群才算是真正恢复...
Clear the DNS cache on all active directory integrated DNS server once a day Client IKEv2 error 13801 when attempting device tunnel connection in Always On VPN Clients are not updating reverse DNS records Clients not registered in Forward lookup DNS Cname for root domain Cname Record for an Exte...
Summary I created a server running inside a container and use argo to start the container, however argo yaml template does not let me specify port and network like what docker-compose can do and now I am struggling with connecting the se...
If you do a nslookup on a Windows DNS server and do a "set all" you will see a srchlist of the domains the server will look through. You can then manually set that list just by using set srchlist=domain1.dom.nam/domain2.dom.nam/... My question is, WHERE is that srchlist ...