Use Semiautomatic Axis Limits Set the maximum x-axis limit to 0 and the minimum y-axis limit to -1. Let MATLAB choose the other limits. For an automatically calculated minimum or maximum limit, use -inf or inf, respectively. Get [X,Y,Z] = peaks; surf(X,Y,Z) xlabel('x-axis'... discusses controling where data appears in the axes by setting the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis limits. Then, how can I set the y axis to be nonnegative (but doe not set the upper limit)?
ax = gca; ax.XAxis ans = NumericRuler with properties: Limits: [0 15] Scale: 'linear' Exponent: 0 TickValues: [0 5 10 15] TickLabelFormat: '%.1f' Use GET to show all properties Control Value of Exponent in Secondary Label Using Ruler Objects ...
You specify rx and ry that are the x-axis and y-axis radii before any rotation about the ellipse center. Specify the location of the center of the bounding ellipse in Center. You specify x0 and y0, the x and y coordinates of the center, as real finite values. Specify the angle of ...
The dbstop is not intended as a cure for the problem. The dbstop tells the system that you want to debug specifyCoefficients from the beginning, and after you give that command, calling specifyCoefficients should stop in the debugger.
To import a circuit from the MATLAB workspace: Define the circuit object in the MATLAB workspace using the RF Toolbox functions. For more information, seeRF Circuit Objects. Add a General Circuit Element block to your RF model from the Black Box Elements sublibrary of the Physical library. Fo...
b Quantification of NRE-GFP intensity in cap cells, escort cells, and follicle cells along the anterior–posterior axis until stage 4. Data from n = 1533 cells in 3 ovarioles. Different colours represent different ovarioles. Data were normalized to maximum NRE-GFP intensity per sample. c...
For the frequency axis, you can select logarithmic or linear scales. Other Frequency Units Options Magnitude dB— Decibels absolute value— Absolute value, which you can plot on a linear or logarithmic scale Phase— Degrees or radians Time ...
For the frequency axis, you can select logarithmic or linear scales. Other Frequency Units Options Magnitude dB— Decibels absolute value— Absolute value, which you can plot on a linear or logarithmic scale Phase— Degrees or radians Time ...
pdemesh(thermalmodel); axis equal %% Set initial conditions setInitialConditions(thermalmodel,400) internalHeatSource(thermalmodel,10) %ERROR tlist = 0:10; results = solvepde(thermalmodel,tlist); pdeplot3D(thermalmodel,'ColorMapData',results.NodalSolution(:,2)) Sign in to comment.More...