Specified parameter JSON Array parsing error, {ParameterName} is not valid. 参数值JSON解析错误,不是正确的JSON格式。 400 MalformedPOSTRequest Invalid json string. 请求的格式错误。 403 AccessDenied %s 访问权限错误,没有访问权限。 400 Throttling.Api The request was denied due to flow control. API请...
CertificateSecretKeyError The certificate private key is invalid. 400 证书私钥错误 建议检查后重新传入。 InvalidApiServiceAddress The specified service address is not valid. 400 API 后端服务地址无效 配置的 API 后端服务地址无效。 2.3. 客户端公用错误码 HttpCode为4xx,调用全阿里云产品的OpenAPI均可能遇到,...
API调用时输入参数不正确,例如图像URL无效、参数缺失或格式不合规; 认证信息(如Access Key ID、Access Key Secret或Security Token)错误或过期; 请求体格式不对或大小超出限制; 资源限制,如超过调用量配额或账户状态异常等。 关于本问题的更多回答可点击原文查看:https://developer.aliyun.com/ask/601658 问题四:视...
400400CertificateSecretKeyErrorThe certificate private key is invalid.证书私钥错误建议检查后重新传入。 400400InvalidApiServiceAddressThe specified service address is not valid.API 后端服务地址无效配置的 API 后端服务地址无效。 400400Missing{ParameterName}{ParameterName} is mandatory for this action.缺少必填参...
'bootstrap' is not a valid script name. The name must end in '.js'. 'Cannot implicitly convert 'System.TimeSpan' to 'System.DateTime' 'DayOfWeek' is not supported in LINQ to Entities.. 'get' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file 'OleDbConne...
System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid. at Xamarin.Auth.WebAuthenticatorController+UIWebViewDelegate.ShouldStartLoad (UIKit.UIWebView webView, Foundation.NSUrlRequest request, UIKit.UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType) [0x0000b] in <aa21ef55360b447cbbfb95f4ba40f14f>:0 at (wrappe...
VAMT 3.1 - The specified database is not a valid VAMT database VAMT access is denied when trying to activate online VBscript to set IE proxy VDS Basic Provider event id 1 Unexpected failure. Error code: 490@01010004 Very Slow speed of Internet on Server 2012. Virtual disk service failed t...
The specified bucket is not valid. import boto3 client = boto3.client( 's3', aws_access_key_id=ACCESS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=SECRET_KEY, aws_endpoint_url=ENDPOINT_URL, region_name=REGION_NAME ) s3_response_object = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=BUCK_NAME_IS_STRING, Key='KEY...
This is done so that Minio can communicate with the S3 endpoint in our account. We have set the following environment variables from a secret and have validated these credentials: -name:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDvalueFrom:secretKeyRef:name:minio-aws-userkey:awsAccessKeyId-name:AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYvalu...