*/ PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(0, 3); /** * 分页查询,封装为Spring Data Jpa 内部的page bean * 此重载的findAll方法为分页方法需要两个参数 * 第一个参数:查询条件Specification * 第二个参数:分页参数 */ Page<SensorInfo> page = infoDao.findAll(specification, pageRequest); System.out...
CPU myCPU { OS myOs { LIB = ARDUINO { SDK_BOARD = UNO; VARIANT = CC { VERSION = "1.8.5"; }; STAND_ALONE = TRUE; }; }; }; Kernel Conformance Classes An explicit declaration of the kernel conformance class is required in the KERNEL_TYPE attribute. The possible options are the fo...
Here is an example of an OIL File for the Arduino uno board: CPU mySystem { OS myOs { EE_OPT = "OS_EE_APPL_BUILD_DEBUG"; EE_OPT = "OS_EE_BUILD_DEBUG"; CPU_DATA = AVR8 { MULTI_STACK = TRUE; IDLEHOOK = TRUE { HOOKNAME = "idle_hook"; }; }; MCU_DATA = MEGA { MODEL...