Refrigerant R134a 1410 It is measured usually with J/kg K. Specific heat of nanofluids can be determined using Eqs. (5) and (6)). (5)Cp,nf=φCp,np+(1-φ)Cp,bf and (6)(ρCp)nf=φ(ρCp)np+(1-φ)(ρCp)bf It is thought that Eq. (6) is theoretically more consistent since...
The specific weight of a system is defined as the weight per unit volume (note that this definition violates the normal specific property-naming convention). Is the specific weight an extensive or intensive property?Determine the weight of kerosene...
In the vapor cycle, the refrigerant enters the electric compressor at a slightly superheated vapor state and is compressed to a higher pressure. The temperature of the refrigerant also increases after the compression step. Then, the refrigerant enters the condenser and is condensed into a saturated...