Notă:Adăugarea de tabele la Modelul de date mărește dimensiunea fișierului. Dacă nu plănuiți să creați relații Model de date complexe utilizând multe surse de date și tipuri de date în registrul de lucru, debifați casetaAfișare date...
Quantitative-PCR reactions were prepared using the PowerUp SYBR Green master mix (Applied Biosystems) following manufactures protocol, with the addition of 3 ul of diluted cDNA and the appropriate forward and reverse primers for the gene of interest. All qPCR reactions were ran and ...
Autonomia bateriei variază în mod semnificativ în funcție de utilizare, de configurația rețelei și a caracteristicilor, de puterea semnalului, de setări și de alți factori. Consultați detalii. ...
经亲和纯化的mouse anti-rabbit IgG (Conformation Specific) HRP Conjugate antibody。 产品使用信息 推荐的抗体稀释度:1:2000 特异性/灵敏度 Mouse Anti-rabbit IgG (Conformation Specific) (L27A9) mAb (HRP Conjugate) 可识别天然兔 IgG。该抗体可能与高浓度的变性[轻链] IgG 发生交叉反应。
Parvalbumin neurons and gamma rhythms enhance cortical circuit performance. Nature. 2009;459:698–702. CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Cardin JA, Carlen M, Meletis K, Knoblich U, Zhang F, Deisseroth K, et al. Driving fast-spiking cells induces gamma rhythm and controls sensory ...
100 ul 货号 GOYK96450 抗体的制备过程: 1. 免疫原的制备 普通的大分子蛋白,通过分子克隆构建载体并在大肠杆菌中进行诱导表达获得重组蛋白,纯化鉴定后可直接作为免疫原。 小分子蛋白或化合物等分子量小,需要偶联载体对该分子进行改造才能使其成为具有免疫原性的抗原,常见偶联载体如BSA、OVA、HAS等。
Other regulato ry areas may be included in the fut ure, such as一 a) gas equipment regulatory applications in New Ze aland b) water equi pment regu latory app lications; c) energy efficiency/ minimum energy performance regulatory appl ications ; d) medical electrical equipment regulatory app...
Adobe may transfer Student Data to such third party; provided, that (i) such third party agrees to maintain and provide the Services subject to data privacy standards no less stringent than those set forth herein, or (ii) Adobe gives the Customer notice and an opportunity to opt out of the...
Given the literature precedent of poor performance under aqueous conditions of tris[(1-benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl]amine (TBTA), the ligand most widely used for CuAAC acceleration12, we focused on improvements in the CuAAC reaction to ensure high yields in linking the alkynyl tag ...
At 0.900 h on day 7, rats were injected using a double internal injection cannula (C235I-1.2/SPC; Plastics One; 1.0 mm projection) with vehicle (V) (sterile 0.9% saline; SAL; group 1) or DAB (150 pM25; groups 2 and 3) in a total volume of 0.5 uL, at a rate of 0.25 µL...