To cause to weaken, be damaged, or diminish, as in quality:an injury that impaired my hearing; a severe storm impairing communications. [Middle Englishempairen, from Old Frenchempeirer, from Vulgar Latin*impēiōrāre: Latinin-,causative pref.; seein-2+ Latinpēior,worse; seeped-inIndo-Eu...
This cellular pore is overlaid by cuticle aECM that takes the form of either a closed sheet or an open pore, depending on the function of the sense organ10 (Figures 1A and 1B). A closed sheet of aECM is found overlying sense organs that contain a single mechanosensory neuron, whose ...
Levels of GR receptors in the spiral ligament tissues were found to be significantly higher compared to all other tissue samples. GR levels in the tissues of stria vascularis and organ of Corti were different from one another but both were statistically higher than those detected in the ...
Objective To investigate the tissue specific sp li cing pattern of α 1D L-type of voltage-gated Ca 2+ chan nel in cochlea. Methods A relatively pure preparation of the organ of Corti was obtained by microdissection. The possible alternative splicing exons were a mplified by exon-specific RT...
Audiology Official Organ of the International Society of AudiologyLee, J., & Kim, J. (1999). The maximum permissible ambient noise and frequency-specific averaging time on the measurement of distortion product otoacoustic emissions. Audiology, 38, 19-23....
Disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) has been used to gain a better understanding of the population’s quality of life. Objectives The authors aimed to estimate age and sex-specific disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) for urban and rural areas of Bangladesh, as well as to investigate the...
Peripheral sensory organ damage leads to compensatory cortical plasticity that is associated with a remarkable recovery of cortical responses to sound. The precise mechanisms that explain how this plasticity is implemented and distributed over a diverse collection of excitatory and inhibitory cortical neurons...
aThe design is East residential building in the South China Sea organ building construction drawing preparation of tender control prices, and price analysis. The design is East residential building in the South China Sea organ building construction drawing preparation of tender control prices, and price...
Prior to hearing onset, spontaneous Ca2+APs of IHCs are the result of ATP that is released from the organ of Kölliker and that drives small voltage input in IHCs after birth (Tritsch and Bergles2010; Tritsch et al.2007; for a review, see Wang and Bergles2014). ATP possibly activates...
In the adult sensory epithelium, the organ of Corti (OC), each inner HC (IHC) connects over 10 type I SGNs (about 90–95% of the neuronal population) and represents the principal encoder of the auditory signal. By contrast, outer HCs (OHCs) display an 'en passant' innervation by type...