Refrigerant R134a 1410 It is measured usually with J/kg K. Specific heat of nanofluids can be determined using Eqs. (5) and (6)). (5)Cp,nf=φCp,np+(1-φ)Cp,bf and (6)(ρCp)nf=φ(ρCp)np+(1-φ)(ρCp)bf It is thought that Eq. (6) is theoretically more consistent since...
The calorimeter for measuring the isobaric specific heat capacity of natural refrigerant was constructed. The calorimeter is batch type with the metal-bellows and based on the thermal relaxation method. The apparatus constants were calibrated by using water, methanol and R134a (1,1,1,2-...
refrigerantmixturespecific heatcalculationR134aR152aR125R32R143ameasurementThe specific heat capacity at constant pressure (cp) of some relevant HFCs as replacements for R12, R502 and R22 was measured. The liquids investigated are binary or ternary mixtures of R134a, R152a, R125, R32 and R143a. ...
There is an urgent demand for a task-level energy efficiency evaluation method to guide energy and heat sink scheduling. This paper takes the F22 Raptor fighter jet as the research object and analyzes the influence of bleed air and electric power on the thrust and thrust-specific fuel ...