1.By using chemical combustion theory andvariable specific heat capacityapproach, a method of calculation and analysis of thermal performance parameters of micro-turbine device on a regenerative cycle is presented.根据化学燃烧理论和变比热容计算方法,提出了微型燃气轮机回热循环装置性能参数的计算和分析的方...
Numerical Simulation of a Cooled Turbine Curved Cascade Flow Field with Variable Specific Heat Being Taken into Account 考虑变比热的冷却涡轮弯曲叶栅流场的数值模拟 ilib.cn 3. Calculation for effect of variable specific heat capacity on nozzle flow field and performance 变比热容对喷管流场和性能影响的...
Variable specific heat capacityAngle of attackShear forceFinite difference methodNewtonian fluidsPurpose - As to different angles of attack and nonlinear problems caused by high temperatures in coexisting hypersonic aircraft, people mainly rely on fluid software for research but lack analysis of flow ...
Re: Cn specific heat capacity changes with Tempera #2 macdidi Guest Posts: n/a This expression, appers alwys when you've to take variable Cp or density depend on pressure and (or ) temperature. If this message disspears afetr a few iterrarions (2 or 3), it will not be a prob...
Debye developed the variable transformation: x = hν/kT = T D /T. After going through the quantum mechanics (see Wark’s book, for example) he derived the following formula for the total internal energy of a solid: ! U = 9NkT 4 T D 3 x 3 e x "1 dx 0 T D /T # ...
Modeling of aluminum particle combustion with emphasis on the oxide effects and variable transport properties A simplified analytical modeling of single aluminum particle combustion was conducted. Ignition and quasi-steady combustion (QSC) were separately formulate... YW Yoon - 《Journal of Mechanical Sci...
Assume the air behaves as (a) a constant specific heat ideal gas and (b) as a variable specific heat ideal gas. Sign in to download full-size image Figure 3.22. Example 3.7. Solution a. The changes in specific internal energy and specific enthalpy of an ideal gas are given by Eqs. (...
How attempts to fit the data belowusing theoretical values of the eletronic specific heat for variable coupling strength remain unsatisfactory since the experimentally derived ratioexceeds the maximum theoretical value of=5.0 allowed by the Eliashberg theory. 展开 ...
specific heat 美 英 na.【物】比热 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. 【物】比热 1. withhightemperatureandhighpressure innozzleofwind tunnel,theeffectofvariablespecificheatonnozzledesignmustbeconsidered. 本文针对超音速、高超音速喷管内马赫数、温度变化剧烈的特点,研究了比热容变化对设计喷管型面产生的影响。
Using basic theory and this calculator, you can quickly find the answers to the specific heat equation by solving for any variable in any units. Heat capacity or thermal capacity is a measurable physical quantity equal to the ratio of the heat added to (or removed from) an object to the ...