correlation took into account four variables containing specific heat capacity of both nanoparticles and base-fluids, temperature, and particle volume concentration. This correlation set a defined range for each of the first two variables, and its constants for the three types of nanofluids were differ...
However, for a water-based coolant, due to water's large latent heat and specific heat capacity, the main energy is consumed on pumping the coolant and delivering it to the cutting zone. Typically, the energy consumption is less than 1/10th of the energy used to generate the compressed ...
The field (geometrical) theory of specific heat is based on the universal thermal sum, a new mathematical tool derived from the evolution equation in the Euclidean four-dimensional spacetime, with the closed time coordinate. This theory made it possible
In most practical cases, a linear variation of the specific heat capacity of vapor may be more preferentially adopted. Specific Heat Capacity of Volatile Gases Constant values of specific heat capacity for the mixture of volatile gases ranging from 1.008 kJ kg−1 K−1–1.2 kJ kg−1 K...
We recommend further research into buffering agents in highly trained female athletes that control or account for the MC, studies that replicate the demands of athletes' heat and altitude camps, and investigations of highly trained athletes' use of combined buffering agents. I...
The number of trees (ntree) and number of variables tried at each split (mtry) were tuned using grid search for the random forest models, which were fitted using the randomForest R package. Values of 100, 300, and 500 were considered for ntree and values of 1 to the total number of ...
Principal Components Analysis (PCA) with morphological data per speciesA) Red-billed Chough,B) Common/Canary Islands Chaffinch,C) Dark-eyed/island Junco,D) House Finch. The variables included are wing, tail and tarsus length and bill culmen, bill depth, bill width and bill length (the latter...
EWL was converted to evapora- tive heat loss (EHL in W) assuming a latent heat of vaporisation of 2.4 J mg−1 H2O67. Weather variables We used weather data from Leigh Creek Airport meteorological station (station 017110, au) situated 95...
We next investigated the relationship between regional CT and anatomically patterned expression of cortical genes using PLS analysis, a multivariate statistical technique that decomposes relationship between two datasets into orthogonal sets of latent variables with maximum covariance and has been extensively ...
It can be checked that the behavior was always exactly like that for all the variables and all the days of the year, and that is why we call this method “dynamic”. This capacity of adaptation to the synoptic pattern is undoubtedly the best quality of that method and the cause of the...