specific heat by volume 容积比热 volume specific heat 容积比热 constant pressure specific heat 等压比热 specific heat at constant pressure 定压比热 heat capacity at constant volume 恒容热容 constant pressure specific heat 定压比热 specific volume 容度,特定卷宗,体积度,比积,比容,比容积 相似...
constant volume specific heat 定容比热 specific heat by volume 容积比热 volume specific heat 容积比热 constant pressure specific heat 等压比热 specific heat at constant pressure 定压比热 heat capacity at constant volume 恒容热容 constant pressure specific heat 定压比热 specific volume 容度,...
1. Specific heat capacity at constant volume for R125 and R410A at temperatures from (300 to 400) K and pressures to 20 MPa [J] . Perkins RA, Magee JW Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data: the ACS Journal for Data . 2005,第5期 机译:在(300至400)K的温度和20 MPa的压力下,R1...
Specific heat capacities at constant volume (c{sub V}) of [xNH{sub 3} + (1 {minus} x)H{sub 2}O] (x {approx} 0.7, 0.8, 0.9) mixtures were measured with an adiabatic calorimeter. Temperatures ranged from 300 K to 520 K, and pressures ranged from 3 MPa to 20 MPa. Measurements ...
Specific heat capacity at constant volume (c{sub}v) is one of the most important thermodynamic properties to develop and evaluate reliable equation of state. With this point of view, isochoric heat capacities of methanol and ethanol have been measured with a twin-cell type adiabatic calorimeter,...
5) ratio of the massic heat capacities 质量热容比6) specific heat capacity at constant volume 定容比热容量补充资料:比热容 比热容specific heat capacity 单位质量物质的热容。见热容。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。参考词条...
4) specific heat at constant volume 定容比热 5) isobaric specific heat 比定压热容 1. Calculation and analysis onisobaric specific heatfor refrigerants; 制冷剂比定压热容的计算分析 2. Estimation ofisobaric specific heatfor mixing refrigerant;
The specific heat of the gas is not constant if you do not supply a constant amount of heat. So, you must have specific heat at a constant volume or pressure. For an ideal gas, CP –CV = nR where CP is heat capacity at constant pressure, CV is heat capacity at constant volume, n...
2) specific heat capacity at constant volume 比定容热容3) isobaric specific heat 比定压热容 1. Calculation and analysis on isobaric specific heat for refrigerants; 制冷剂比定压热容的计算分析 2. Estimation of isobaric specific heat for mixing refrigerant; 混合制冷剂比定压热容的理论推算4) ...
The specific heat capacity at constant pressure, cp(p,T) [J kg-1 K-1], is usually higher than that at constant volume, cV(p,T) [J kg-1 K-1], because at constant pressure part of the supplied heat is used to perform work (i.e., increase volume through thermal expansion), ...