The specific heat capacity at constant pressure, cp(p,T) [J kg-1 K-1], is usually higher than that at constant volume, cV(p,T) [J kg-1 K-1], because at constant pressure part of the supplied heat is used to perform work (i.e., increase volume through thermal expansion), ...
The specific heat capacity at constant pressure (cp) of some relevant HFCs as replacements for R12, R502 and R22 was measured. The liquids investigated are binary or ternary mixtures of R134a, R152a, R125, R32 and R143a. Empirical functional relations in polynomial forms between the temperature...
Results of validation measurements with argon are very satisfactory, with the maximum deviation of the speed of sound equal to 3×10 −4 . The sound velocity of gaseous R134a has been measured at low temperatures and low pressures. The specific heat was then calculated from the results. The...
J/kg; ∆s is the entropy difference between bleed air and ambient air, J/(kg·K); cp is the specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure, J/(kg·K); Rg is the gas constant of air, J/(kg·K); T and p is the temperature (K) and pressure (Pa) of the air, respective...