This research was carried out to develop a new testing method that capable to accelerate the testing period for determining the specific gravity of clayey and sandy soils. In this research, partially vacuum and shaking methods were employed in order to enhance the effectiveness of the method. An...
In a study of radial trends in specific gravity of ~100 individuals of six mixed-northern-hardwood-forest tree species, three species ( Acer rubrum, Pinus strobus, and Betula papyrifera ) showed radial increases and three species ( Quercus rubrum, Tsuga canadensis, and Fagus grandifolia ) radial...
Several charts and tables on the import and export market for polyethylene in primary forms with a gravity of more than 0.94 in Singapore in 2009 are presented depicting the variations in share percentage, total value in U.S. dollars, and rank of countries from which these products are importe...
where Sg represents the unit mass particle specific-surface area (m2/kg), S0 = Sgρs, ρs represents the soil particle density (kg/m3), e represents the ratio of the pore volume to the particle volume, i.e., e = n/(1 − n), and Gs represents the specific gravity of soil part...