The influence of late spring frosts on the chief species and varieties of fruit trees grown on sandy soils.POPESCU, MGODEANU, IPOPESCU, T
Hill R. and Beakbane A. B., The application of biological observations on wild and naturalized species and varieties of fruit trees to the study of fruit tree rootstocks. A prelimanary study of some Prunus species. J. Pomol. 23 (1947): 117–133....
Carbon limitation of soil respiration under winter snowpacks: potential feedbacks between growing season and winter carbon fluxes A reduction in the length of the snow-covered season in response to a warming of high-latitude and high-elevation ecosystems may increase soil carbon avail... PD Brooks...
Forty-four protocols of doubled haploid production (DH) are presented in this Manual. They are related to at least 33 plant species, not counting protocols on production of DH from interspecific hybrids. The protocols provide procedures for production of
Someappletrees yield only green,sourfruit; some red, floury ones; others large or small apples. 有的苹果树只 结又青又酸的苹果;有的结的苹果又红 又粉;还有的结的苹果有大有小。 ...
of China28. The species can be distinguished from other species in theC. gloeosporioidesspecies complex through analysis of concatenated ApMat and GS sequences2,17,18. In the present study, multi-locus phylogenetic trees and morphological characterization were used to identify strains GX2A1 and GX2...
varieties of Anacyclus pyrethrum L., the objective of this study was to analyse its reproductive biology; specifically, to examine the development of the inflorescence, the phenology of flowering, the reproductive system, and the production and dispersal of seeds as well as the insect pollinators....
Jackknife 50% majority-rule consensus trees were computed. jModelTest 2 [74,75] was used to test the models of nucleotide substitution for maximum likelihood (ML) [76]. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) [77] was used to select among models instead of the hierarchical likelihood ratio ...
The ethical issues surrounding the harvesting of trees for lumber are both expansive and ambiguous. Concerns about sustainability and habitat destruction prompt many of these ethical questions. For instance, can a given species continue to reproduce at a sustainable rate given the current rate of harv...
In the following years, Valsa cankers were found to be common on apple trees in New Mexico (Leonian1921). In Europe, a large number of cases of canker and die-back of apple trees were reported lately and the pathogen was identified asValsa ambiens(Ogilvie1933). More recently, another ...