and Thomas, N. A. 1976. Distribution of macrobenthic species in Lake Ontario in relation to sources of pollution and sediment parameters. J. Great Lakes Res. 2:150-163.Distribution of macrobenthic species in Lake Ontario in relation to sources of pollution and sediment parameters - Nalepa, ...
We created an event sequence that models an annual cycle for American bullfrogs in a simulated landscape informed by empirical spatial data. Each event in the event sequence pertains to a different aspects of life history or simulation parameterization. Here, we briefly summarize the model, and fu...
Christie WJ, Kolenosky DP (1980) Parasitic phase of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in Lake Ontario. Can J Fish Aquat Sci 37:2021–2038 Article Google Scholar Cline TJ, Bennington V, Kitchell JF (2013) Climate change expands the spatial extent and duration of preferred thermal habitat...
Changes in zooplankton and the phenology of the spiny water flea, Bythotrephes, following its invasion of Harp Lake, Ontario, Canada The crustacean zooplankton community of Harp Lake, Ontario, Canada, has changed appreciably since the invasion by the spiny water flea, Bythotrephes. Crust... ND...
Distribution, Fecundity, and Genetics of Cercopagis pengoi (Ostroumov) (Crustacea, Cladocera) in Lake Ontario Two distinctive forms of cercopagids, first detected in 1998 and identified as Cercopagis pengoi and C. ossiani using taxonomic keys, were observed to co-o... JC Makarewicz,IA ...
The crappies are mainly targeted in the winter months up at the Northwest Angle. Most fishing of these slabs is done in Ontario waters up at the Angle. Typically the crappies are found in holes with steep drops off islands in 25-33′ of water. In recent years studies have shown that ...
with similar native species number, the fish communities in watersheds with less invasive species tended to have a higher centroid distance and a lower mean distance, e.g., Caddo lake, Waiska (Fig.4). In contrast, the communities in Upper Columbia-Entiat, San Pablo Bay, Middle Guadalupe, ...
Shifts in Depth Distributions of Alewives, Rainbow Smelt, and Age-2 Lake Trout in Southern Lake Ontario following Establishment of Dreissenids In the mid-1990s, biologists conducting assessments of fish stocks in Lake Ontario reported finding alewives Alosa pseudoharengus, rainbow smelt Osmerus mo.....
This woodborer, native to Asia, was first found in the Detroit, MI–Windsor, Ontario area in 2002 but was likely introduced five to 10 years prior to then (see Chap. 7 for details on EAB biology and management). As with Dutch elm disease, EAB moved rapidly along city streets and ...
lake sizewater chemistryzoogeographyTo assess the relative importance of lake chemistry, morphometry and zoogeography on limnetic zooplankton, we collected zooplankton, water, and morphometric data from 132 headwater Canadian Shield lakes in 6 regions across north-central Ontario. A subset of these ...