foraging efficiency: the response to food availability in specialist vs. generalist tit species R. Barrientos1,†,#, J. Bueno-Enciso1 & J. J. Sanz2 Breeding mistiming is increasingly frequent in several ecosystems in the face of current climate change. Species belonging to higher...
Conservation BiologyPacker, L.; A. Zayed, J. Grixti, L. Ruz, R. Owen, F. Vivallo y H. Toro, 2005. Conservation genetics of potentially endangered mutualisms: reduced of genetic variation in specialist versus generalist bees. Conservation Biology, 19: 195-202....
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For microbes that strongly rely on animal vectors, such as insects, production of insect-attractive volatiles may be an efficient strategy to rapidly disperse and colonize new habitats, while this would be less needed for generalist microbes that live in a wider variety of habitats ...
Antagonistic Pleiotropy and Fitness Trade-Offs Reveal Specialist and Generalist Traits in Strains of Canine Distemper Virus.doc,AntagonisticPleiotropyandFitnessTrade-OffsReveal SpecialistandGeneralistTraitsinStrainsofCanine DistemperVirus VeljkoM.Nikolin
In the Arctic, the specialist was able to invest in fecundity with increasing body size at a much higher rate than the generalist species. In the temperate habitat, both species showed similar strategies: they increased quantity and quality of offspring relative to body size at the same rate. ...
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Lee K P.Ecological factors impacting on the nutritional biology of a generalist and a specialist caterpillar: effects of pathogen and plant structural compound on macronutrient balancing.. 2002Lee K P.Ecological factors impacting on the nutritional...
1997 . The functional trophic role of lotic primary consumers: Generalist versus specialist strategies. Freshwater Biol 37: 455 – 462 .Mihuc, T. B. 1997 . The functional trophic role of lotic primary consumers: generalist vs. specialist strategies. Freshwater Biology 37: 455 – 462 . i0887-...
O. C. A pragmatic approach to the analysis of diets of generalist predators: the use of next-generation sequencing with no blocking probes. Mol. Ecol. Res. 14(1), 18–26 (2014). 37. Razgour, O. et al. High-throughput sequencing offers insight into mechanisms of resource partitioning ...