The very particular “mesogleal giant smooth fibres” of ctenophores belonging to the order Beroida (which lack the parietal musculature [31]) have been the subject of specific studies [41–44], while other muscle cell types, and muscles of other ctenophores, are much less known. Ctenophore...
Muscle architecture appeared to reflect locomotor specialisation of a jumping ( Chinchilla chinchilla ) in comparison with a striding quadrupedal ( Cavia porcellus ) species, but considerable variability of the limited specimens analysed was found. With the biceps femoris as an exception, analysed ...
Tropomyosin is an intrinsic component of most actin filaments and over 40 isoforms have been identified in non-muscle cells. Tm isoforms are spatially segregated and current evidence suggests that they can specify the functional capacity of the actin microfilaments. Therefore the composition of these ...