ScyTek Biotech Life Sciences manufactures diagnostic reagents, Special Stains, Antibodies, Hematology, Immunohistochemistry, buffers, Microbiology, Hematoxlyn etc
I am going to talk to you about usingIHCand special stains to identify pathogens. Just to go over some of the objectives I've laid out for today, what I'm going to do is give you a brief overview of the reasons for the increase in bacterial and fungal infections. I'm going to ide...
Diagnostic utility of special stains in defining the spectrum of maxillofacial pathologiesdoi:10.4103/ijpm.ijpm_1254_21Gupta, AkshayTandon, AnkitaJuneja, SaurabhGulati, NikitaShetty, Devi CharanIndian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology
As a result of inspection, 12 cows were selected with the aim of further detailed investigations because of the presence of gross emphysematous lesions in the rumen. Tissue samples or swabs of selected tissues from emphysematous areas of the rumen were taken for microbiology from all 12 cows. ...
Special stains in histopathological studies are used to identify the structures with different dyes apart from the routine stain hematoxylin and Eosin (H and E). The component which is present in the special stains will have a specific bond and affinity for particular tissue components in the ...
Department of Medical Microbiology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, IndiaJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdDiagnostic CytopathologyGupta N, Srinivasan R, Kumar R, Chakrabarti A. Two cases of Nocardiosis diagnosed by fine Needle Aspiration Cytology: Role of Special Stains. ...