In the histopathology laboratory, the term “routine staining” refers to the hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E) that is used “routinely” with all tissue specimens to reveal the underlying tissue structures and conditions. The term “special stains” has long been used to refer to a large nu...
bullata. Soft tissues under the cuticle were undamaged in tracheal and epidermal preparations. This polymer was also an excellent embedding material for soft tissues such as salivary glands, quickly penetrating tissue cavities and eliminating air bubbles. Uncross-linked acrylamide was used as an ...
In the histopathology laboratory, the term “routine staining” refers to the hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E) that is used “routinely” with all tissue specimens to reveal the underlying tissue structures and conditions. The term “special stains” has long been used to refer to numerous alt...
fat stainsmucin stainselastic stainsacid and basic dyesalcian bluealdehyde fuchsinewater miscible resin sectionsALCIAN BLUENo abstract available.Richard W. HorobinJournal of histotechnology Horobin RW, Staining by numbers: a tool for understanding and assisting use of routine and special histopathology...
Journal of Histotechnology: An Offical Publication of the National Society for Histotechnology Horobin RW, Staining by numbers: a tool for understanding and assisting use of routine and special histopathology stains, J Histotechnol 2004; 27: 23-28....