In this chapter we present the theory of special relativity that fixes the structure of spacetime without gravitation. The subject has been discussed in many texts, but our approach here is less technical and goes along the original intuitive lines of Einstein. The chapter starts with the ...
网络狭义相当论 网络释义 1. 狭义相当论 ...过一个思想实验,正是这个思想实验,激发他写出了有关狭义相当论(special relativity theory)的名作。|基于72个网页
The Special Theory of Relativity Albert Einstein introduced his Special Theory of Relativity in 1905. This theory changed our understanding of the relationships between time, motion, and space.Prior to Einstein's theory, people believed that space and time were constant (不变的)—they never altered...
Learn about the special theory of relativity. Understand what special relativity is and how it was developed. Know the theory of relativity equation.
Noun1.special relativity theory- a physical theory of relativity based on the assumption that the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant and the assumption that the laws of physics are invariant in all inertial systems Einstein's special theory of relativity,special relativity,special theory of...
英英释义 a physical theory of relativity based on the assumption that the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant and the assumption that the laws of physics are invariant in all inertial systems 访问沪江小D查看special relativity theory的更多详细解释>...
Based on courses taught at the University of Dublin, Carnegie Mellon University, and mostly at Simon Fraser University, this book presents the special theory of relativity from a mathematical point of view. It begins with the axioms of the Minkowski vector space and the flat spacetime manifold. ...
§6.4 相对论的时空性质 Space-Time Property of the Special Theory of Relativity 在Lorentz 变换下,空间距离和时间间隔都要 发生变化,只有在闵可夫斯基的四维时空中的线 元,即间隔才是不变量,对这种时空性质,闵可 夫斯基曾有过这样一句名言:“从今以后,空间 本身和时间本身都已成为阴影,只有两者的结合 才能...
Special relativity, part of Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity that is limited to objects that are moving at constant speed in a straight line.
Researchers uniting special relativity and quantum mechanics — the smooth and the chunky, the very large and the very small — have come up with fields like relativistic quantum mechanics and, more recently, quantum field theory to better understand subatomic particles and their interactions. ...