Byline: SEAN POULTERRETAILERS are alarmed at the possibility of a black Christmas on the high street and are already announcing cut-price offers to drum up trade.Fearing a repeat of last year, when seasonal sales were the worst for a decade, big names such as Debenhams, Marks & Spencer, ...
In the UK, “Which” Consumer Choice magazine’s 2024 survey of customer satisfaction with grocers shows M&S and Aldi in the top 2 positions and Asda and Morrisons in the bottom 2. Big and small branded food companies have had their challenges as shoppers have leaned more to purchasing privat...
In a surprise move last week, only Philip Green, owner of the Bhs and Arcadia retail empire, was cleared by Trade Secretary Patricia Hewitt to make an offer. Green is now odds-on favourite. The Takeover Panel will insist that any rival offers must quote precise figures - not a range of...
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